** MAPS **

Tax Maps & Index - 2019

older Tax Maps

911 Map - 2020 (parcel map + street numbers & locations) PDF 3.1 MB

older 911 Maps

Road Map - 2018, (PDF 274 KB)

older Road Maps

Various maps of Mason by FG Fletcher:

24x24" & 36x36" & other maps in PDF format : topo, soils, parcels, watersheds, culverts, relief maps and areal photography

A Study of Mason Borders (PDF 83 MB): A study of Mason's borders which involved accurately locating 30 "monuments" along its borders. 19 pages including 5 maps.

A Study of Mason Borders plus Greenville (PDF 66 MB): A study of Mason's borders which involved accurately locating 30 "monuments" along its borders plus 5 more monuments along Greenville's N and W borders. 22 pages including 6 maps.

ESRI Shape File Contour maps of Mason, 2' and 5' contours, based on 2011 FEMA Lidar data. See READ_ME file for details.

2014 "nodal" road maps from NH DOT (Dept. of Transportation). These show the roads and road classes. Numbered "nodes" mark intersections and changes in road class and define road "segments" connecting node pairs. The Excel file below contains further information about the 156 road segments, including length, width, surface, etc.

NH DOT 2014 "Nodal" Wall Map, 36x48 (PDF 2.4MB)

NH DOT 2014 "Nodal" Book Map, 18 x 8.5x11 (PDF 2.6MB)

NH DOT 2014 Data for Mason (Excel 116KB)

Zoning - 2013, (PDF 332 KB)

older Zoning maps

Conservation Lands - 2020, (PDF 2.2 MB)

older Conservation Lands maps

Mason_Aquifer_&_Wellhead_protection_Map_2015.pdf 30x30, (PDF, 2.3 MB)

Mason Bedrock Geology map 11x17, (PDF, 532 KB)

Nashua Regional Planning Commission interactive GIS (geographic information System) parcel viewer that displays tax map parcel and assessment data

Planning Ordinance (Zoning, Building Code, etc.)

PLANNING ORDINANCE, (Zoning Ordinance) (Including Floodplain Development Ordinance) Enacted 1967 Most Recent Amendment June 2016, 940 KB

Mason Building Code, Mar 2011, 219 KB no longer bundled into above Zoning Ordinance.

OBSOLETE PLANNING (Zoning) ORDINANCE, revised March 2010,, 272 KB
Included: Floodplain Development Ordinance, BUILDING CODE (April 2004) and GENERAL INFORMATION: Emergency & Town Office Telephone Numbers, Map of Zoning Districts, List of Town Regulations, Ordinances, &Amp; Documents

Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) documents:

Planning Board

Subdivision Regulations

Site Plan Review Regulations, applications

Master Plan

Town Meeting Minutes, by year of meeting (1972...2002 scanned from annual reports)

Town Meeting Minutes (1972 to present)

Town Annual Reports, by year reported (for Town Meeting in March of following year)

Town Annual Report

Lists of Mason properties, owners, areas and valuations as of September 2014

PDF provided by Selectmen's Office: 2014_09_property_tax_owner_index.pdf (PDF 232 KB)

an Excel spreadsheet: 2014_09_Mason_property_list_by_lot.xls (.XLS 200 KB)

PDF from Excel, sorted by lot number: 2014_09_Mason_property_list_by_lot.pdf (PDF 176 KB)

PDF from Excel, sorted by lot owner: 2014_09_Mason_property_list_by_owner.pdf (PDF 176 KB)

older Tax Warrants

Mason Police Department:

Police Logs

Police Pistol Permit Applications

Mason Fire-EMS Department:

Fire Permits

Mason School Committee

link to Mason School District's website (mason.sau89.org)

link to Milford Middle School, SAU #40 (www.milfordschools.net/mms)

link to Milford High School, SAU #40 (www.milfordschools.net/mhs)

Miscellaneous School Committee documents